Saturday, February 5, 2011

The week of replacements.

This past week was about powering through with whatever i had laying around the house.

This coming week is about picking up new habits and replacements for some of the things I think are going to give me trouble.

Tonight:  Had spaghetti squash instead of spaghetti.  It was....tolerable.  It was a side dish, that tasted good with some butter, parmesan, and sauce...and actually pretty darn good with the chicken/sauce/cheese.  So I'll call that a win - but I won't be eating a serving of it as leftovers, and I'll have to figure out a good way of using it up in other ways since I only ate about a quarter of the squash tonight.

On deck this week: 
- Roasted chickpeas as a snack
- Kale chips as a snack
- Mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes, and
- Cauliflower "rice" (I'm *really* intrigued by this one). 

The way I figure it, with the side dishes....if it gets me eating a small to normal sized portion of the replacement as a side because I don't like the taste quite as much, instead of 2-3 portions of the "real thing", so much the better. 

Today:  1422 calories, 67 g carbs, 88 g fats, 108 g protein

I am all set up this week with lots of easy-to-grab-and-go stuff to eat so I don't have to put in a lot of effort creating things to eat.  This week is going to be much more tasty and varied flavor wise than last week was.

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